Smart Edugie

Smart Gets Surgery

Within two weeks of Omosede Global Foundation putting a call out for donation towards emergency surgery for Smart, the public responded.

On September 21, 2020 was admitted into Ajayi Oriafo Orthopedic Hospital for surgery to have his left leg above the knee amputation to save his life. The surgery was successful.

On September 22, 2020, Smart had recovered and was able to eat well. He stayed in the hospital for a period of six weeks. He was released as an out-patient to come for dressing change until complete healing.

We are happy to report that Smart has returned back to his normal life. The foundation continues to assist reintegrate him back into the society. Smart will receive skills training to support himself and become independent.

The Foundation thanks all our donor for their continued support in saving lives. May God continue to replenish and keep each of you. May you find help at your point of need.

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Smart’s twelve year old wound

Smart Jassa Edugie is a 40 year old man. He was 28 years old when he got his wound. In 2007 he got injured while on the job. Smart narrated that he was a driver for a logging company and that during the process of offloading the trees they had cut, one fell on his leg leaving a 4 cm in diameter wound. According to him the skin broke and his flesh came out.

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