Yemi Adejoro is a 39 years old, Male from Osun State and lives in Benin. His was a Bus Driver prior to his accident which started his long road to health. His elderly father lives in Osun State, his mother is late, and a younger sister, but doesn’t know her whereabouts.
Yemi Adejoro was referred to Omosede Global Foundation by the St. Vincent De Paul of St. Paul Catholic Church. We were in the process of saving another life and not enough funds, so we referred him to the Police Cottage Hospital where he was sent to the specialist hospital. At about 9:45 pm on Sunday, August 11, 2019 we got a call from Specialist Hospital stating that they could not assist him and that he had given them our number as his contact. Omosede Global Foundation asked that he should be sent to them in the morning since he was already admitted at the hospital and it was late at night. There was medicine and supplies to start his treatment.
On Monday, August 12, 2019 Yemi Adejoro arrived at Omosede Global Foundation at about 9:00 am. His leg was examined by Omololu Ojehomon and these were the findings. That Yemi Adejoro had a large ulcer on his left leg. It was observed from the condition of his bandages he had not been treated by any hospital within the last five days prior to arriving at Omosede Global Foundation. He had only one crepe bandage which was the top layer, he had ripped his shirts to cover the leg ulcer to keep it protected.
Please see photos:
He has a leg ulcer from below the knee to his ankle, but not circumferential. The ulcer was badly infected and he had edema. Upon questioning, Yemi stated that he had the ulcer for four years. The initial wound was from a vehicular accident and the wound had extended over a period of time from lack of care. He could not afford treatment or medicine
Please see photos:
Yemi is not diabetic. There was no necrosis around or in the wound area. He had scabies above the ulcer, but in no other part of the body. Appeared generally healthy, but was depressed. His clothes were infected from lack of good hygiene. He had been thrown out of his rented room by his landlord, because of smell oozing out of his leg ulcer. He sleeps in the passage way with nowhere to go. He lost his job and is unable to care for himself.
Yemi Adejoro was provided with medication and supplements as prescribed by the Consultant and treated everyday from August 12, 2019 to August 17, 2019, when the leg stabilized.
He was then treated three times a week after that for his ulcer as well as for the scabies above the ulcer. All his clothes were taken from him washed, disinfected, dried and ironed for two weeks. Tetmosol soap given to him to bathe and he was fed for the two weeks during each treatment day to help with one meal a day. In collaboration with St. Vincent de Paul of the St. Paul Catholic Church in Benin, they provide him with a stipend and food. Omosede Global Foundation treats Yemi for free and will do so until his wound is completely healed.
Please see photos:
In September 2019 when the leg ulcer was managed and Yemi was stable, he was given Lasix to reduce the edema in the leg.
In October 2019 a large area of the wound is healing and grafting, 70% of the wound remains to heal and close. His wound is kept infection free and is treated every other day until complete healing.
With Yemi’s leg ulcer on the road to healing, a good Samaritan on January 2, 2020 gave Yemi a room for free.
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